Product Docs

Response Status Codes

On your polling requests to Auth Armor via the Auth Info API, you will receive immediate responses for you to check if your authentication/authorization requests have ended/completed. Please check for the auth_request_status_id = 2 (completed) to know when to stop your polling requests and check for the authentication/authorization results.

Below is what the various status codes and names mean:

Request Status NameRequest Status CodeDescription
Pending Approval3After submitting an auth request, the status will be in Pending Approval until the user approves the request.
Pending Validation4After the request is approved by the user, the status will be in Pending Validation until the auth request is validated
Completed2Completed means the request is done and can no longer be approved or validated. For example, an approval timeout or validation timeout mean the request has been completed.

On status = completed(Status code 2)

Check for the result of your authentication/authorization request. Available auth_response.result_code to know the final status of your authentication/authorization response from the user/Auth Armor.

The resulting code will match the following options below:
Result NameResult CodeDescription
Pending Approval1After submitting an auth request, the status will be in Pending Approval until the user approves the request.
Success2The request has been approved and validated.
Declined3The request was declined by the user
Invalid Signature4There was a problem validating the signature of this request from the users device.
Timeout5The user did not respond in the time allotted.
Pending Validation8The request has been approved by the user and is pending validation via the backend Api
Validation Timeout9The request was approved by the user, but it was not validated in the allotted time.
Security Exception10There was a security exception. See the details for more info. It could be an ip address mismatch or user agent mismatch when using Magiclink Emails

Example polling response data format

All the above status codes can now be connected here:

  "auth_request_status_id": 0,
  "auth_request_status_name": "string",
  "auth_response": {
    "auth_history_id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
    "result_code": 0,
    "result_message": "string",
    "authorized": true,
    "auth_details": {
      "request_details": {
        "date": "2023-05-07T15:17:10.417Z",
        "auth_profile_details": {
          "user_id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
          "username": "string"
        "origin_location_data": {
          "latitude": "string",
          "longitude": "string",
          "ip_address": "string"
        "auth_method": "MobileDevice"
      "response_details": {
        "date": "2023-05-07T15:17:10.417Z",
        "auth_method": {
          "name": "MobileDevice",
          "usetype": "biometric"
        "secure_signed_message": {
          "signed_data": "string",
          "signature_data": {
            "hash_value": "string",
            "signature_data": "string",
            "auth_method_usetype": "biometric",
            "signing_method": "AuthArmor_ECDsa",
            "auth_method": "MobileDevice",
            "hash_method": "Sha256"
          "signed_data_type": "AuthResponse"
        "mobile_device_details": {
          "platform": "string",
          "model": "string"
        "auth_profile_details": {
          "user_id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
          "username": "string"

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